Drupal Drush snippets tool kit.
List of useful drush commands for day to day maintenance or development tasks, from Drupal core and other modules. With examples of usage.
cache:clear - Clear a specific cache, or all Drupal caches.
drush cc
drush cache:clear
drush cc bin
drush cc render
drush cc bin entity,bootstrap
cache:rebuild - Rebuild a Drupal 8 site.
drush cr
drush cache:rebuild
updatedb:status - List any pending database updates.
drush updatedb:status
drush updbst
version - Show Drush version.
drush version
updatedb - Apply any database updates required.
drush updatedb
drush updb
directory - Return the filesystem path for modules/themes and other key folders.
drush drupal:directory
drush dd
drush dd %module_name%
drush dd files
runserver - Runs PHP's built-in http server for development.
drush rs 8080
drush rs %IP%:80
drush rs [::1]:80
drush rs --dns localhost:8888/user
drush rs /
drush rs --default-server=
list - List available commands.
drush list
drush list --filter=dev
cache:get - Fetch a cached object and display it.
drush cache:get %cid% %cache.bin.storage%
drush cache:get hook_info bootstrap
drush cache:get module_implements bootstrap
drush cache:get block.block.bootstrap_content config
drush cache:get route:[language]=en:/node/2: data
cache:set - Cache an object expressed in JSON or var_export() format.
drush cache:set %cid% %bin% %expire% %tags%
config:status - Display status of configuration (differences between the filesystem configuration and database configuration).
drush config:status
drush config:status --state=Any
config:delete - Delete a configuration key, or a whole object.
drush config:delete %name%
drush config:delete system.site
drush config:delete system.site page.front
config:edit - Open a config file in a text editor. Edits are imported after closing editor.
drush config:edit image.style.large
drush config:edit
drush --bg config-edit image.style.large
config:export - Export Drupal configuration to a directory.
drush config:export
sudo drush config:export --destination /tmp
config:get - Display a config value, or a whole configuration object.
drush config:get system.site
drush config:get system.site page.front
drush config:get system.site mail
config:set - Set config value directly. Does not perform a config import.
drush config:set system.site page.front '/frontpage'
drush config:set system.site mail 'new@email.com'
config:pull - Export and transfer config from one environment to another.
drush config:pull @prod @stage
drush config:pull @prod @self --label=vcs
config:import - Import config from a config directory.
drush config:import
core:cron - Run all cron hooks in all active modules for specified site.
drush core:cron
drush cron
core:config - Edit drushrc, etc, site alias, and Drupal settings.php files.
drush core:edit
drush core:config etc
drush core:config sett
core:init - Enrich the bash startup file with bash aliases and a smart command prompt.
drush core:init
core:requirements - Information about things that may be wrong in your Drupal installation.
drush core:requirements
drush core:requirements --severity=1
drush status-report
drush rq
core:status - An overview of the environment - Drush and Drupal.
drush core-status
drush status
drush st
core:topic - Read detailed documentation on a given topic.
drush topic
drush core-topic
core:rsync - Rsync Drupal code or files to/from another server using ssh. @dev,@stage - need to be defined.
drush rsync
drush rsync @dev @stage
drush rsync ./ @stage:%files/img
entity:delete - Delete content entities. Node, User, ...
drush entity:delete node --bundle=page
drush entity:delete node 22,24
drush entity:delete user
entity:updates - Apply pending entity schema updates.
drush entity-updates
image:derive - Create an image derivative.
drush image:derive thumbnail /tmp/test.png
image:flush - Flush all derived images for a given style.
drush image:flush
drush image:flush thumbnail,large
drush image:flush --all
locale:check - Checks for available translation updates.
drush locale:check
drush locale-check
locale:import - Imports to a gettext translation file.
drush locale-import %langcode% %file%
drush locale-import nl drupal.po
drush locale-import nl translation.po --type=custom --override=all
locale:update - Imports the available translation updates.
drush locale-update
pathauto:aliases-delete - Delete URL aliases.
drush pathauto:aliases-delete
drush pathauto:aliases-delete canonical_entities:node
drush pathauto:aliases-delete all
drush pathauto:aliases-delete all --purge
pathauto:aliases-generate - (Re)generate URL aliases.
drush pag
drush pathauto:aliases-generate
drush pathauto:aliases-generate all all
drush pathauto:aliases-generate create canonical_entities:node
php:cli - Open an interactive shell on a Drupal site.
drush php:cli
drush php
drush core-cli
php:eval - Evaluate arbitrary php code after bootstrapping Drupal (if available).
drush php:eval 'echo drupal_get_user_timezone();'
drush php:eval 'drupal_flush_all_caches();'
php:script - Run php a script after a full Drupal bootstrap.
drush scr script.php
drush scr script.php --script-path=/path/to/scripts
pm:enable - Enable one or more modules. (Module need to be downloaded first
drush en ctools
drush pm-enable devel,ctools
pm:uninstall - Uninstall one or more modules and their dependent modules.
drush pmu ctools
drush pm-uninstall devel,ctools
pm:list - Show a list of available extensions (modules and themes).
drush pml
drush pml --type theme
drush pml --type module
drush pml --type module --status Enabled
pm:security - Check Drupal Composer packages for pending security updates.
drush pm:security
drush pm:security --format csv